Free Naplan Resources

Help students feel comfortable in the test environment

Studyladder has provided these Naplan style questions due to requests from parents and teachers. They are available to anyone wishing to help their student feel comfortable in the test environment by providing them with sample Naplan style questions.

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Grade 3 Basic Naplan Activities

Year 3 Mathematics Naplan Samples (printable)

Year 3 Literacy Naplan Samples (printable)

Persuasive text - Should the canteen sell junk food?

Persuasive text - Dogs make better pets than cats.

Persuasive text - Should animals be kept in zoos?

Narrative - The Magic Carpet

Narrative - Lost in the Snow

Narrative - Invisible Me

Grade 3 Premium Naplan Activities

Over 400 Naplan Related Activities

Studyladder has over 400 other Naplan related activities used by over 100,000 Australian teachers.

Login or create a Free account to access these resources and many more features.

Grade 5 Basic Naplan Activities

Year 5 Mathematics Naplan Samples (printable)

Year 5 Literacy Naplan Samples (printable)

Persuasive text - Should the canteen sell junk food?

Persuasive text - Dogs make better pets than cats.

Persuasive text - Should animals be kept in zoos?

Narrative - The magic carpet

Narrative - Lost in the Snow

Narrative - Invisible Me

Grade 5 Premium Naplan Activities

Over 400 Naplan Related Activities

Studyladder has over 400 other Naplan related activities used by over 100,000 Australian teachers.

Login or create a Free account to access these resources and many more features.

Grade 7 Basic Naplan Activities

Year 7 Mathematics Naplan Samples (printable)

Year 7 Literacy Naplan Samples (printable)

Persuasive text - Should the canteen sell junk food?

Persuasive text - Dogs make better pets than cats.

Persuasive text - Should animals be kept in zoos?

Narrative - The magic carpet

Narrative - Lost in the Snow

Narrative - Invisible Me

Grade 7 Premium Naplan Activities

Over 400 Naplan Related Activities

Studyladder has over 400 other Naplan related activities used by over 100,000 Australian teachers.

Login or create a Free account to access these resources and many more features.