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Sequential Early Reading ProgramPhonicsTier 1 Reading VocabularyDecodable ReadersReading ComprehensionPoetryWritingGrammarSpelling and VocabularyHandwritingHandwriting WorksheetsSpelling WorksheetsGrammar WorksheetsEarly Reading PrintablesRevision/Exam Prep (English)Language DevelopmentLearning to Read
Spelling and Vocabulary
Complete the Word - Beginning Sounds
Beginning Sounds: ('s' and 'a')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('t' and 'p')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('i' and 'n')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('m' and 'd')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('g' and 'o')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('c' and 'e')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('k' and 'u')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('r' and 'h')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('b' and 'f')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('f' and 'l')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('h' and 'b')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('j' and 'v')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('y' and 'z')
For students
- Beginning Sounds: ('p' and 'q')
For students
Complete the Word - End Sounds
Beginning and end Sounds: ('w' and 'x')
For students
- End Sounds ('at' or 'ot')
For students
- End Sounds ('et' or 'it')
For students
- End Sounds ('an' or 'ad')
For students
- End Sounds ('ap' or 'op')
For students
- End Sounds ('ig' or 'ug')
For students
- End Sounds ('og' or 'ag')
For students
- End Sounds ('ad' or 'am')
For students
- End Sounds ('ut' or 'un')
For students
- End Sounds ('ip' or 'id')
For students
- End Sounds ('in' or 'id')
For students
CVC Words: List 1- introducing s,a,t,p
For students
- CVC list 1 spelling
- Tutorial
- Look, Cover, Write - CVC Words: List 1- introducing s,a,t,p
- Practice
- Test - CVC Words: List 1- introducing s,a,t,p
- Practice
For teachers
- Cut, Paste and Write: The word 'tap'
- Printable
- CVC Words: List 2- introducing i, n, m, d
For students
- CVC Words: List 2- introducing i, n, m, d
CVC Words: List 1- introducing s,a,t,p
- End Sounds ('in' or 'id')
- End Sounds ('ip' or 'id')
- End Sounds ('ut' or 'un')
- End Sounds ('ad' or 'am')
- End Sounds ('og' or 'ag')
- End Sounds ('ig' or 'ug')
- End Sounds ('ap' or 'op')
- End Sounds ('an' or 'ad')
- End Sounds ('et' or 'it')
- End Sounds ('at' or 'ot')
Beginning and end Sounds: ('w' and 'x')
- Beginning Sounds: ('p' and 'q')
- Beginning Sounds: ('y' and 'z')
- Beginning Sounds: ('j' and 'v')
- Beginning Sounds: ('h' and 'b')
- Beginning Sounds: ('f' and 'l')
- Beginning Sounds: ('b' and 'f')
- Beginning Sounds: ('r' and 'h')
- Beginning Sounds: ('k' and 'u')
- Beginning Sounds: ('c' and 'e')
- Beginning Sounds: ('g' and 'o')
- Beginning Sounds: ('m' and 'd')
- Beginning Sounds: ('i' and 'n')
- Beginning Sounds: ('t' and 'p')