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Sequential Early Reading ProgramPhonicsTier 1 Reading VocabularyDecodable ReadersReading ComprehensionPoetryWritingGrammarSpelling and VocabularyHandwritingHandwriting WorksheetsSpelling WorksheetsGrammar WorksheetsEarly Reading PrintablesRevision/Exam Prep (English)Language DevelopmentLearning to Read
Spelling and Vocabulary
Complete the Word - End Sounds
Grade 1-
End Sounds ('all' or 'ell')
For students
- End Sounds ('ill' or 'all')
For students
- End Sounds ('ick' or 'ock')
For students
- End Sounds ('ack' or 'uck')
For students
- End Sounds ('ing' or 'ang')
For students
- End Sounds ('ink' or 'unk')
For students
- End Sounds ('eck' or 'oke')
For students
Complete the Word - Initial Blends
Grade 1-
Initial Blends ('cl' or 'cr')
For students
- Initial Blends ('bl' or 'br')
For students
- Initial Blends ('gl' or 'gr')
For students
- Initial Blends ('fl' or 'fr')
For students
- Initial Blends ('pl' or 'pr')
For students
- Initial Blends ('sl' or 'st')
For students
- Initial Blends ('sn' or 'sp')
For students
- Initial Blends ('sm' or 'sk')
For students
- Initial Blends ('tr' or 'tw')
For students
- Initial Blends ('sw' or 'sc')
For students
Complete the Word - Final Blends
Grade 1-
Final Blends ('mp' and 'nd')
For students
- Final Blends ('lt' and 'ld')
For students
- Final Blends ('sk' and 'st')
For students
- Final Blends ('nt' and 'ft')
For students
Complete the Word - Digraphs and Middle Sounds
Grade 1-
Initial Digraphs ('sh' and 'ch')
For students
- Initial Digraphs ('th' and 'qu')
For students
- Initial Digraphs ('wh' and 'th')
For students
- Digraphs - Final ('ow' and 'ue')
For students
Initial Blends
Grade 1-
Initial Blends 'cl'
For students
- Blends 'cl'
- Tutorial
Initial Blends 'cl'
- Digraphs - Final ('ow' and 'ue')
- Initial Digraphs ('wh' and 'th')
- Initial Digraphs ('th' and 'qu')
Initial Digraphs ('sh' and 'ch')
- Final Blends ('nt' and 'ft')
- Final Blends ('sk' and 'st')
- Final Blends ('lt' and 'ld')
Final Blends ('mp' and 'nd')
- Initial Blends ('sw' or 'sc')
- Initial Blends ('tr' or 'tw')
- Initial Blends ('sm' or 'sk')
- Initial Blends ('sn' or 'sp')
- Initial Blends ('sl' or 'st')
- Initial Blends ('pl' or 'pr')
- Initial Blends ('fl' or 'fr')
- Initial Blends ('gl' or 'gr')
- Initial Blends ('bl' or 'br')
Initial Blends ('cl' or 'cr')
- End Sounds ('eck' or 'oke')
- End Sounds ('ink' or 'unk')
- End Sounds ('ing' or 'ang')
- End Sounds ('ack' or 'uck')
- End Sounds ('ick' or 'ock')
- End Sounds ('ill' or 'all')